Company Establishment, Merger and Acquisition

Company Establishment

Company incorporation is the process by which one or more persons come together to form a company to fulfil a specific purpose. The incorporation process may vary depending on the type of company (e.g. joint stock company, limited liability company, etc.) and the country of incorporation. Generally, the incorporation documents (e.g. articles of association, trade registry declaration, etc.) need to be prepared and submitted to the relevant authorities (e.g. trade registry office, tax office, etc.).


A merger is the process by which two or more companies come together to form a single company. As a result of the merger, one of the merged companies ceases to exist from a legal point of view and continues on the other, or the merged companies cease to exist from a legal point of view and a completely new company is established.


A takeover is the process by which one company acquires most or all of the shares of another company. As a result of a takeover, the acquiring company takes control of the acquired company.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
Company Formation: Companies are necessary for the realisation of economic activities. Companies are organisations in which goods and services are produced, sold and received. Therefore, company formation is necessary for the realisation of economic activities.

Merger: Companies may merge for certain reasons. For example, they may merge to have a larger market share, to reduce costs, to reduce competition, etc. Therefore, merger allows companies to become more competitive.

Takeover: Companies can grow by taking over other companies. Takeover allows companies to grow faster. Also, takeover allows companies to gain competitive advantage.


Company formation, mergers and acquisitions play an important role in the business world. Company formation enables the realisation of economic activities; mergers enable companies to become more competitive; and acquisitions enable companies to grow faster and gain competitive advantage.

woman holding sword and balance scale statue under white sky
woman holding sword and balance scale statue under white sky
Company Establishment, Merger and Acquisition Services

Güneş Law provides comprehensive services to our clients on company incorporation, mergers and acquisitions.

1. Company Establishment

Deciding to start a new business is an exciting process, but it also involves challenging and complex legal processes. By working with us, you can complete the process of setting up your business at the lowest possible cost, in the shortest time and with the least stress. Our services include

Determining the type of company (e.g. joint stock company, limited liability company, etc.)

Drafting the articles of association of the company

Preparation of trade registry declaration

Submission of the necessary documents to the relevant authorities (e.g. trade registry office, tax office, etc.)

Preparation of other necessary legal documents (e.g. resolution of the shareholders' meeting, resolution of the general assembly, etc.)


2. Merger

Mergers are a strategic step for businesses to grow and increase competitiveness. However, the merger process involves many legal and regulatory challenges. We provide our clients with the legal support they need to successfully complete the merger process. Our services include

Drafting the merger agreement

Submission of the necessary documents to the relevant authorities (e.g. competition authority, trade registry office, etc.)

Legal management of the merger process

is available.

3. Takeover

A takeover enables a business to grow quickly. However, the takeover process involves many legal challenges. We provide our clients with the legal support they need to successfully complete the takeover process. Our services include

Drafting the takeover agreement

Submission of the necessary documents to the relevant authorities (e.g. competition authority, trade registry office, etc.)

Legal management of the takeover process

is available.

Contact us

woman in gold dress holding sword figurine
woman in gold dress holding sword figurine